Rimu Architects

1010445 Alterations
1010366 New Houses
1010380 Multi Unit
1010452 Commercial
William Wakefield Memorial Contracting
1010451 Leaky house repair

Sketch design

First we will meet with you and discuss what you want to achieve with your property. From this sketch plans will be prepared which translate these ideas into spaces. These are then refined through discussion with you until an agreed concept is achieved.

Working drawings

Once a concept has been agreed upon, detailed plans can be drawn up. These will have all the information necessary to satisfy Council consent requirements and to enable a builder to quote from. Usually specific fittings such as bathroom fixtures and light fittings are left up to the owner to select and supply.

Building Consent

We would usually apply for the building consent on behalf of the owner. We also deal with any queries the council may have regarding the plans.

Resource Consent

Sometimes a project will require a resource consent. This is when the proposal breaches the planning rules of the council. Usually site coverage or sunlight access plans but can also be the number of units on a site or their proximity to the boundary. Where a resource consent is necessary, we would prepare the documents and lodge them with the council on the owners behalf. If neighbours consent is required, the owner would obtain this.


Structural Engineers will be required to design specific beams and maybe foundations. Also in specific design windzones, bracing will need to be calculated.

Land Surveyors provide boundary pegs when the proposed building is close to the boundary. Topographic surveys (contours) are useful for sloping sections before a sketch design can be undertaken. To subdivide a property, a surveyor is required. 

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